

A Complete Course To Become Zero To Professional Ethical Hacker









Limited Seats

Who is this for?

What You Will Learn





Introduction to Ethical Hacking Pentesting

A Detailed overview of ethical hacking Pentesting and its importance in cybersecurity.

Footprinting and Reconnaissance

Gathering information about a target system or network.

Scanning Networks

Techniques for discovering hosts and services on a network.


Gathering information about users, groups, shares, and services on a system.

Vulnerability Analysis

Identifying and assessing vulnerabilities in a system or network.

Python 101

Introduction to the Python programming language.

Python Scripting

Writing Python scripts to automate tasks and perform security-related tasks.

System Hacking

Latest Techniques for gaining unauthorized access to a system.

Malware Threats

Overview of malware types and how they can be used in attacks.

C++ Uncovered

Introduction to the C++ programming language & Creating Malware.


Techniques for intercepting and analyzing network traffic.

Social Engineering

Psychological techniques used to manipulate people into divulging sensitive information.


Techniques for disrupting access to a system or network.

Session Hijacking

Techniques for taking over a user's session on a system or network.

Hacking Web Servers

Advance Techniques for attacking, Hacking & Securing web servers.

Hacking Web Applications

Advance Techniques for attacking. Hacking & Securing web applications.

PHP & Javascript

Introduction to PHP and JavaScript programming languages for understanding attacks better.

SQL Injection

Practical techniques used to exploit vulnerabilities in SQL databases.

Hacking Wireless Networks

Cracking the security protocols in a wireless network, granting full access for the hacker to view, store, download, or abuse the wireless network.

Hacking Mobile Platforms

Vulnerabilities found in mobile platforms such as Android and iOS, and provides practical guidance on how to exploit them.

Java Programming

An introduction to the Java programming language, How it can be used to understand mobile hacking better.

IoT & IoT Hacking

Covers the techniques used to attack Internet of Things devices and networks.

Cloud Computing

Overview of cloud computing technology and the security issues associated with it.


Provides an overview of encryption and decryption techniques.


Introduces Capture the Flag competitions and techniques for solving challenges.


Covers the opportunities for freelancing in cybersecurity.

Earning On Fiverr

Key aspects of creating an effective gig, such as creating a compelling title and description, setting a competitive price, and providing high-quality work samples.

Bug Bounty

Discusses how to participate in bug bounty programs on HackerOne & BugCrowd.

Create Your Portfolio

Creating a portfolio from complete scratch and showcasing your skills.

Security Firm Registration (US Based)

The process for registering a security firm in the US & Offering Your Services.

Detailed Syllabus Overview

CyberSecurity Scope

Bug bounty programs offer monetary rewards to ethical hackers for successfully discovering and reporting a vulnerability or bug to the application's developer.

Considering the good salary, flexible work hours, and the option to work from home, most people are now preparing themselves for a career in cyber security.

Detailed Scope Overview


Crack International Certifications To Get Job In Europe or US


What others have to say about this course

Frequently Asked Questions

All of your quesrions answered at one place.

Your access to the content will be for LIFETIME.

You don’t need any prior knowledge for this training, since everything will start from the complete basics to advance level. We will start from “What os hardware?” “What is software”. Even if you are from a completely different field and want to pursue a career in cybersecurity, you will be able to do i easily.

Lectures will be provided in learning management system along with assignments, quizzes and real life projects. Your progress will be recorded in the learning management system.

You will be connected on WhatsApp with you instructor who will guide you until you complete your training.

Yes, you will be able to access classes whenever you want and you will lead this training according to your own schedule.

This training is designed for 2-5 months learning pace which means you can complete it in 2 months or even 5 months or even more. Since you are learning on your own pace, as much time as you will give, it will complete as soon. On Average it takes around 5 months to complete this training.

This is a highly practical training as 95% content of this training is Practical and hands on.

You will be able to earn and get a job very easily since most of the students get internships even after 2 months of joining this training But it will all depend on how you take this course. If  you will study with all your heart then it will be very easy to start earning after this training. 

You can pay fee to even mobile accounts like Easypaisa, Jazzcash or ebanks like Nayapay or Sadapay or you can even transfer funds to bank accounts through mobile accounts and ebanks. If you dont have anything you can easily visit any shop with account details to submit your fee.

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“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”


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Some Demo Clips From Sessions

How Hackers Sniff Credentials

Creating Wordlists For Password Attacks

Brute Forcing SSH Using Wordlist

Check Your Password Strength

How Hackers Spoof Physical Address

Finding Subdomains Using Sublister For Bug Bounty

Scanning Using Hacked System

Extracting Hidden Info of NS

Maltego Overview In Windows OS

Getting Location & VM of US Number

Extract Hidden Data From Image

Getting POC of Google

Google Hacking-Dorking

Unauthorized Access of a Vuln Webcam

Getting IP Address of Anyone

Phishing Methods Theory

How Hackers Analyse Domains For Phishing

Hacking Linux Using Armitage

HTML Introduction

Google Single Sign On Hidden Page

How Hackers See What Operating System You Are Using

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